University of Cincinnati Medical Center wanted to raise awareness/recall of UC Medical Center’s Labor & Delivery services. Currently viewed by many expectant moms and doctors as more of a “have to go” need to change perception to “want to go.” The theme of Bearcat Baby solidified the relationship with University of Cincinnati physicians, researchers and technology with a fun, friendly graphic. The Bearcat is UC's mascot.
The campaign was succesful in positioning the hospital as best in class in the region.

A new microsite was created for the campaign. It gave a new mother one location to learn everything about delivering a baby at UC Medical Center. Previously it was difficult to navigate the site to find all the information a new mom would want to see.

Billboards and advertisements were run during the initial campaign push. It complimented the television commercials and increased visits to the website which increased new mom visits to the maternity unit.

Many give-aways were created for new moms which used the Bearcat Baby theme.